It doesn’t have to be the end, but the beginning. You don’t have to fight this battle alone. If you are finding yourself overwhelmed by debt and are struggling to keep your head above water, you should consider talking to a Bankruptcy law firm today.
Bankruptcy forgives debts and allows you a fresh start while allowing you to keep most if not all of your property and stops creditors from contacting and harassing you. A fresh start allows you to begin again and keep the property that is needed by you and your family.
I know first-hand how a weak economy and unexpected difficulties can quickly devastate a family. My mission is to demonstrate that filing for bankruptcy is not another setback, but a way to regain financial stability. I wish to help families rebuild and get off to the right start.
You can fill out the contact form by clicking the button below and I will be in contact with you within 2 business days. In addition, you can reach out by calling directly or through email or text.
Let's begin your journey to a fresh start.
Bankruptcy is not throwing your hands in the air and admitting defeat, but an honest way to regain control of your finances. Whether you choose to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, declaring bankruptcy can erase most of your debt, rebuild your credit, and restore financial stability.
Bankruptcy will STOP the creditor from taking your vehicle. If the car has been repossessed, you can get the car back. Acting quickly is important. If you fail to act timely, the car will be sold and you be unable to get it back. . You will need to obtain FULL COVERAGE insurance on the vehicle to get it back. LIABILITY ONLY insurance will NOT work to get the vehicle back. If there has been a repossession, likely a Chapter 13 is the best course to follow since you will be able to pay less interest and pay over a greater term than originally agreed to. If you want to surrender a vehicle because it is a "junker" you can do that as well.
Bankruptcy stops creditors from contacting you by phone, letter or in any other fashion. Creditors must deal with your attorney once the case is filed. Any attempt by them to contact you is a violation of the AUTOMATIC STAY that goes into effect once the case is filed with the Court. Good contact information given to your attorney can immediately STOP the creditors from any further contact, so it is important to give that information to your attorney ASAP. If you don't know who your creditors are, get a credit report from one of the three credit reporting agencies mentioned above.
What may be a better question is what debts CAN NOT be discharged in bankruptcy:
Usually, these types of debts are straight forward. However, if you lied on a financial statement in order to get a loan or a line of credit, that debt may not be wiped out in bankruptcy, if the creditor can prove their case. In some cases, taxes which are older than 3 years can be discharged in bankruptcy. However, taxes including the interest survive bankruptcy if less than 3 years old.
Most people choose Chapter 7. Chapter 7 is the quickest but may not provide you with what you want if you have certain types of debts or issues.
Chapter 13 gives you certain options which Chapter 7 cannot give you. Chapter 7 usually requires the fees and costs be paid UP FRONT before the case can be filed. Those costs may be $1,400.00 to $1,800.00 depending on your financial situation.
Remember, that doing NOTHING will normally result in only bad things if you wait. Contacting an attorney to see what options are is the best medicine out there. It may not work for everyone, but will STOP creditors from taking your money and property.
Fill out this form and I will be in touch with you within 2 business days.
I am a federal authorized DEBT RELIEF AGENCY and I help people file bankruptcy. Information contained in this website is not legal advice and no attorney client relationship is created by you accessing information in this website. This is informational only and unless you sign a written contact with Joseph I. Wittman Attorney at Law, I do not represent you in any way. You can retain me as your attorney by contacting us at the number set forth in this website and signing a contract to employ to our firm to help you.